Occupational Health 2018
Journal of Nursing and Health Studies
ISSN: 2574-2825
Page 45
May 28-29, 2018
London, UK
Edition of International Conference on
Occupational Health and
ccupational risk factors are known as all those environmental
conditions and working materials that can potentially affect
workers health and produce undesirable effects upon sector
productivity. In this sense, it is necessary to develop mechanisms
that allow the identification, prevention and control of these
threats, taking as a starting point the economic activity of the
organizations. The purpose of this researchwas to build a learning
tool to raise awareness in the community, using information and
communication technologies (ICT), reducing incidents, accidents
and occupational diseases in the agricultural sector of the Bogotá
Savanna, achieving better compliance with the established
regulations. To that end, an initial diagnosis of the occupational
risk factors will be carried out according to its specific field, by
means of the implementation of an occupational risk matrix in
3 work places that fulfill different functions in the same process,
taking into account the information obtained, a tool based on
E-learning is designed. This tool will be implemented in the 3
selected companies to validate its effectiveness and coherence
in obtaining and analyzing the information collected, the data
obtained will be compared with the initial information and an
analysis of expected results will be carried out. Once this is
obtained, the tool will be evaluated through an experimental
design with a control group and an analysis of the main risk
factors will be carried out to generate a strategy that minimizes
the labor risks identified in the company’s object of study.
Claudia Milena Ospina López graduated from Universidad Distrital Francis-
co Jose de Caldas as Biology Licensee, with the specialties Health and Safe-
ty at Work Management fromEscuela Colombiana de Carreras Industriales.
She completed her Post-graduation in Environmental Sciences from Ambi-
entales UDCA and then started working at Corporación Universitaria Minuto
de Dios where she has continued research.
cospinalop1@uniminuto.edu.coA labor risk factor identification model for agricultural
organizations using learning management system tools
Claudia Milena Ospina López, Gregorio Enrique Puello-Socarrás
Liliana Vargas Puentes
Corporación Universitaria Minuto de Dios, Colombia
Claudia Milena Ospina López et al., J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C2-005