Occupational Health 2018
Journal of Nursing and Health Studies
ISSN: 2574-2825
Page 30
May 28-29, 2018
London, UK
Edition of International Conference on
Occupational Health and
he items targeting night shift workers for the Korean worker’s
specific health examination were added gradually from
workplaces with 300 or more employees in 2014 to workplaces
with 50-299 employees in 2015. The objective of the study was to
investigate the condition of sleep disorder in three occupational
groups of night shift workers. The 2014 and 2015 data of the
Korean worker’s specific health examination conducted by the
Korea Occupational Safety and Health Agency (KOSHA) were
analyzed. Surveys using different types of questionnaires were
conducted in2017.Thesubjectswereapartmentworkers, hospital
workers, and taxi drivers. The prevalence of moderate to severe
insomnia was 6.6% (12,789 out of 193,864) in men and 11.1%
(9,669 out of 88,258) in women from the 2014 Korean Worker’s
Specific Health Examination. The prevalence of moderate to
severe insomnia was 5.0% (23,469 out of 467,290) in men and
6.9% (13,174 out of 191,877) in women from the 2015 Korean
Worker’s Specific Health Examination. The surveys showed that
the prevalence of moderate to severe insomnia was 7.0% (15 out
of 214) in apartment workers, 16.6% (29 out of 295) in hospital
workers, and 12.2% (27 out of 222) in taxi drivers. The factors
associated with sleep disorder differed by group. Depressive
symptoms and fatigue were found to increase the risk of sleep
disturbance in all three groups. Caffeine intake and the number
of night shifts were significant variables in apartment workers,
napping during night shifts was a significant variable in hospital
workers, and satisfaction with income was a significant variable
in taxi drivers.
Jihye Lee completed her Graduation as Medical Doctor from Catholic Uni-
versity of Korea. She has specialties of Preventive Medicine and Public
Health from Chung-Ang University. Later on, she started working at Occu-
pational Safety and Health Research Institute (OSHRI) where she has con-
tinued her research.
neonsilver01@naver.comSleep disorder investigation of night shift workers using
analysis of Korean worker’s specific health examination
data and questionnaire
Jihye Lee
Occupational Safety and Health Research Institute, (OSHRI), South Korea
Jihye Lee, J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume 3
DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C2-005