Nano Research & Applications
ISSN: 2471-9838
January 28-29, 2019
Barcelona, Spain
Nanomat 2019
Page 17
Edition of International Conference on
Emerging Trends in
Materials Science and
isplacement cascades in random Fe-Cr binary alloys with a
by using the molecular dynamics method and the effect of Cr
concentration on cascade damage was carefully investigated.
The results showed that the average number of surviving Frankel
pairs is approximately the same in Fe-Cr alloys and the average
fraction of vacancies in clusters is roughly constant, within
scatter, over the whole range of Cr concentration. The average
fraction of self-interstitial atoms (SIAs) is slightly bigger in a
lower Cr concentration alloy than in a higher Cr concentration
alloy. The number of Cr atoms associated with survived self-
interstitial defects was analyzed. The data show that the content
of Cr in interstitials approximately exceeds two or three times
the matrix content, which indicated that there is a significant
enrichment of SIA defects by Cr.
Recent Publications
1. Malerba L, Bonny G, Terentyev D, Zhurkin E E, Hou M,
Vörtler K and Nordlund K (2013) Microchemical effects
in irradiated Fe–Cr alloys as revealed by atomistic
simulation. Journal of Nuclear Materials 442:486–498.
2. TikhonchevM, SvetukhinV, KadochkinAandGaganidze
E (2009) MD simulation of atomic displacement
cascades in Fe–10 at.%Cr binary alloy. Journal of
Nuclear Materials 395:50–57.
3. Vörtler K, Björkas C, Terentyev D, Malerba L and
Nordlund K (2008) The effect of Cr concentration on
radiation damage in Fe–Cr alloys. Journal of Nuclear
Materials 382:24-30.
4. Björkas C, Nordlund K, Malerba L, Terentyev D and
Olsson P (2008) Simulation of displacement cascades
in Fe90Cr10 using a two band model potential. Journal
of Nuclear Materials 372:312–317.
5. Shim J H, Lee H J and Brian B D (2006) Molecular
dynamics simulation of primary irradiation defect
formation in Fe–10%Cr alloy. Journal of Nuclear
Materials 351:56–64.
Xinhua Yang working as full time professor at Huazhong University of Sci-
ence and Technology, Wuhan, China effect of Cr concentration on displacement
cascades in Fe-Cr binary alloys
Xinhua Yang
Huazhong University of Science and Technology, China
Xinhua Yang, Nano Res Appl 2019, Volume 5
DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C1-029