Medicinal Chemistry & Biosimilars 2019
Session Chair
Thomas D Bannister
The Scripps Research Institute, USA
Session Co-Chair
Soliman Khatib
MIGAL-Galilee Research Institute, Israel
Session Introduction
Day 1
M a r c h 2 5 , 2 0 1 9
S e s s i o n s
Medicinal Chemistry | Drug Design and Drug Development
| Pharmaceutical Chemistry | Computer Aided Drug Design
(CADD) | Pharmaceutical Sciences | Molecular and Cellular
Pharmacology | Novel Target Drugs to the Treatment of
Cancer | Biosimilars Development Programme | Monoclonal
Antibody Biosimilars | Globalization of Biosimilars
Biomimetic HPLC property measurements to estimate human
in vivo
distribution and tissue binding
of drug discovery compounds
Klara Valko,
Bio-Mimetic Chromatography Ltd, UK
SynSpace: A design platform to expand synthetically-enabled scaffold and lead analogue space for
medicinal chemistry and AI-assisted drug discovery
Gergely Makara,
ChemPass Ltd, Hungary
Monoclonal antibodies: Their adverse effects and costs
H Zafer Guney,
Gazi University Medical School, Turkey
Reducing cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk using agents which elevate PON1 activity and improve
HDL quality
Soliman Khatib,
MIGAL-Galilee Research Institute, Israel