E u r o S c i C o n C o n g r e s s o n
Enzymology and
Molecular Biology
Insights in Enzyme Research
ISSN: 2573-4466
A u g u s t 1 3 - 1 4 , 2 0 1 8
P a r i s , F r a n c e
Enzymology 2018
Page 18
Winfried Hinrichs, Insights Enzyme Res 2018, Volume 2
DOI: 10.21767/2573-4466-C1-001
his review will give a short overview on structural biology of tetracyclines.
The group of tetracycline are one of the “big four” of antibiotic compounds.
Tetracyclines block the bacterial protein synthesis by binding to the ribosomal 30S
subunit. Crystal structure analyses of proteins that mediate resistance against the
drug belong to a widespread efflux mechanism (Tet repressor controlled) and a
chemical inactivation by a flavinmonooxygenase (TetX). Non-antibiotic properties
are also well known: tetracyclines interfere with inflammatory mechanisms
by inhibiting Phospholipase A2. All these tetracycline binding proteins are
characterized at atomic resolution. The tetracycline can act as a regulatory
compound but is also a substrate or inhibitor for enzymatic mechanisms. The
conclusion is that tetracyclines are an example for side effects of drugs that are
more interesting than the obvious mode of action.
Winfried Hinrichs studied Chemistry and completed his PhD
in 1983 at the University of Hamburg followed by Postdoctoral
studies at the Rijksuniversiteit Leiden in 1984/5. He joined the
group of Wolfram Saenger at the Free University of Berlin and
expanded his crystallographic expertise to bio-crystallography
(1986-1999). After a sabbatical in Strasbourg (IGBMC, Dino
Moras) in 1998/99, he became a Full Professor in Biochemistry
focused on Structural Biology at the University Of Greifswald,
Germany. He was the Director of the Institute Of Biochemistry
in 2008-2014 and retired in 2016. He has published about 120
papers in reputed journals and is serving as Topical Editor for
Biochemistry of Chemtexts
winfried.hinrichs@uni-greifswald.deProtein binding to Tetracyclines:
Inhibitor, Regulator, Substrate
Winfried Hinrichs
University of Greifswald, Germany