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Cardiology Insights 2019

Journal of Heart and Cardiovascular Research

ISSN: 2576-1455

Page 29

March 07-08, 2019

Berlin, Germany

New Horizons in Cardiology

& Cardiologists Education



International Conference on

Novel technique to prevent no/slow flow during PCI by

sodium nitroprusside injection time, point and method

Sarbesh Kumar Jha

Koshi Zonal Hospital, Nepal


: The no-reflow incidence appears to be

highest in acute myocardial infarction patients who

undergoes primary percutaneous coronary intervention

(PCI) or during PCI of saphenous vein grafts. The

intracoronary administration of medications that causes

vasodilatation in small distal coronary vasculature

forms the base of management of no-reflow. Sodium

nitroprusside (NTP) does not require intracellular

metabolism to induce vasodilatation in microcirculation.

In view of above present study was undertaken to

evaluate efficacy and usefulness of sodiumnitroprusside

in prevention of no/ slow reflow at the time of fixing

stents and balloons simultaneously and complications

associated with it.

Material & Methods

: The current study comprised of

93 patients who were done percutaneous coronary

interventions and were randomly divided into two groups

namely: Drug (Nitroprusside) given group (n=47) and

placebo group (n=46). A stent or a balloon on specific

lesion was passed and then loading dose of sodium

nitroprusside (50-100 micro gram) or normal saline (2-3

ml) was prepared and injected through guiding catheter

into coronary artery. Maximum Duration of decreased

BP and TIMI Grade were noted. A Pearson correlation

analysis was conducted to examine whether there is a

relationship between Nitroprusside and Coronary Slow/

No Reflow. A statistical analysis of numerical variables

expressed as mean±SD was done using ANOVA.


: Five cases of coronary slow/no reflow in

placebo group and no cases in nitroprusside group were

reported. A significant and negative relationship between

2 parameters (r=.24, N=93, p=.02). The Lowest SBP

was 56 mmHg (Mean=101.34, SD=20.663), maximum

SBP difference with in 2-3 minute each time drug was

given was 100 mmHg (Mean=29.38, SD=18.431) and

maximum duration of falling blood pressure was 180

seconds (Mean=91.21, SD=24.655).


: Intracoronary nitroprusside is useful for the

prevention of the slow reflow or no-reflow phenomenon

following PCI in acute myocardial infarction. This

knowledge can be utilized to prevent the coronary vaso-

spasm during PCI which would be beneficial to reduce

complications during and after PCI. After this trial since

2013-2017 we used same procedure for more than 4000

patients and only two patients were reported slow flow.

Sarbesh Kumar Jha, J Heart Cardiovasc Res 2019, Volume 3

DOI: 10.21767/2576-1455-C1-002