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Cardiology Insights 2019

March 07-08, 2019

Berlin, Germany

New Horizons in Cardiology

& Cardiologists Education



International Conference on

Journal of Heart and Cardiovascular Research

ISSN: 2576-1455

Page 20

Which cells are involved in

cardiomyogenesis in mammalian and

zebrafish heart?

Galina B Belostotskaya

Sechenov Institute of Evolutionary Physiology and Biochemistry, Russia


here is no clear evidence on which cells are able

to renew the adult mammalian myocardium.

Studying cardiomyogenesis in the heart of newborn

mammals and adult zebrafish, many researchers have

concluded that new cardiomyocytes (CMs) are formed

by dedifferentiation and division of pre-existing mature

CMs. In addition, it is supposed that mature CMs of

zebrafish are divided throughout life, not only renewing

the myocardium, but also regenerating it after injury. In

turn, it has been shown that mature CMs of mammals

are divided only in the first 5-7 days after birth, and

then permanently lose this ability. Investigating the

phenomenon of intracellular development of resident

cardiac stem cells (CSCs) with the formation of “cell-

in-cell structures” (CICSs), we’ve found that transitory

amplifying cells (TACs), being released after CICSs

opening, are 2 times larger than the original CSCs

(12-13 µm vs. 5-6 µm) and are able to divide and

differentiate. We observed the presence of CICSs

not only in the myocardium of adult mammals, but

also in 18-day-old embryos and the neonatal rats. We

found that CICSs, formed in the embryonic phase, not

only provide TACs for embryonic cardiomyogenesis,

but, opening immediately after birth, release large

numbers of proliferating TACs to support neonatal

cardiomyogenesis. Counting the number ofmitotic cells

and measuring their size showed that only small cells

with D<13 µm are able to divide in the neonatal period.

After that, their proliferation stops, and they transit

from hyperplasia to hypertrophy. We demonstrated that

adult myocardium of Danio rerio also contains CICSs.

Upon opening, they release a large number of TACs, the

dimensions of which are comparable to the dimensions

of the cells that divide inside the myocardium of

newborn mammals. We assume that specifically TACs,

but not mature CMs, form new CMs in mammals and

zebrafish throughout life.

Figure 1

: Growth of myocardial cells obtained fromnewborn rat heart

in vitro. Proportion of dividing cells (A), proportion of cells with D<13

µm (B) and mean cell volume (C).

Recent Publications

1. Belostotskaya G B and Golovanova T A

(2014) Characterization of contracting

cardiomyocyte colonies in the primary culture

of neonatal rat myocardial cells: Amodel of in

vitro cardiomyogenesis. Cell Cycle 13(6):910-

Galina B Belostotskaya, J Heart Cardiovasc Res 2019, Volume 3

DOI: 10.21767/2576-1455-C1-001