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Archaeology & Anthropology 2018

Global Journal of Research and Review

ISSN: 2393-8854

Page 34

October 01-02, 2018

London, UK



Edition of international Conference on

Archaeology and


Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e della Città di Cortona (AR) in

Tuscany (Italy) presents a remarkable archaeological collection

concerning Etruscans and particularly findings from local

Tumulus of archaic period (VIcent.B.C.). Our society (AION

Cultura) manages museum’s educational activities and extended

its projects involving disadvantaged people in every category.

At first we developed a path inside the museum for blind and

visually impaired people:

• Through the implementation of panels and captions in Braille

alphabet and an optional support in a short Braille book guide

• Through the realization of models or copies of findings so

that a blind can easily “see” and understand by touching them

• With guided tour for them thanks internal cultural guides,

trained to make individual special tours for blind by National

Blind Association of Florence

• With specialized researcher we created an olfactory –

sensorial path in the Parco Archeologico del Sodo in Cortona

through the execution of several olfactory stations with

different essences and perfumes of the vegetation present

in Etruscan times

All this was possible for our participation in an European Project

in 2002 with Comune di Cortona together with France (Paris)

about disabilities and our formation allowed us to propose

this experience to other museums like Museo della Preistoria

del Monte Cetona (Siena) and Museo Fiorentino di Preistoria,

Florence with a project called “Forbidden not to touch” Moreover

we continued this program with other kinds of disabilities and we

can organize guided tour in the museum for people with mental

disease in collaboration with local associations for mental health

aid as CAM Association in Cortona. Furthermore in 2018 with

Comune di Cortonawe start a project of hospitality for immigrants

coming from Africa, involving them to make an intercultural

garden to treat the main original plants and essences in Parco

Archeologico del Sodo.


Disabilities, Etruscan civilization, Mental disease,


Recent Publications

1. L’Elbael’ArcipelagoToscano.Leavventurearcheologiche

di Ilvo, Roste e Velia. Guida per ragazzi. Pisa 2010

2. La preistoria. La vita quotidiana nella Toscana antica,

AMAT, Firenze 2013

3. Metodologia ordinativa dei motivi decorativi applicata

alla ceramica vascolare dell’età del Bronzo finale nell’

Italia medio-tirrenica in “Atti XLII Riun Sc I.I.P.P. Arte

preistorica in Italia – Trento 2007” Trento 2014

4. La collezione etrusca del MAEC. Guida breve, Cortona



Stefano Rossi completed his degree (Prehistoric Archaeology) in 1993 and

Special School of Archaeology (Prehistory and Proto-history) in 2000 at Uni-

versity of Florence, and several Masters. He is member of IIPP (Italian Insti-

tute of Prehistory), Accademia Etrusca di Cortona and ICOM. He founded

andworks for a private society (Aion Cultura) from1995 in Cortona (Arezzo),

for which he is the coordinator of archaeological projects. He is active main-

ly at Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e ella Città di Cortona – MAEC, in which

is responsable of themanaging for archaeological sector. He is involved dai-

ly with educational in museums and communication with a large audience.

His research area is Bronze Age, Etruscans, Excavations, Educational, Mu-

seums, Exhibitions, Relations between contemporaneity and ancient world.

He dug about 50 excavations, most of them as coordinator or director. He

has published more than 20 scientific papers and popular books. He gave

several lectures for different Universities.

Stefano Rossi

Aion Cultura – Cortona MAEC, Italy

Stefano Rossi, Glob J Res Rev 2018, Volume 5

DOI: 10.21767/2393-8854-C1-003

Museum and cultural itineraries for different disadvantaged

people in Cortona (AR)