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Advance Nursing Practice 2018

J u n e 2 1 - 2 2 , 2 0 1 8

P a r i s , F r a n c e

Page 61

Journal of Nursing and Health Studies

ISSN 2574-2825


t h

I n t e r n a t i o n a l C o n f e r e n c e o n

Advance Nursing Practice


The concept of nepotism is much unknown but, many health

care workers are directly or indirectly exposed to nepotism in everyday life.

Being a health care worker is hard because of long education process and

back breaking work conditions. Over time, every individual who works wants to

climb their career steps in line with their goals. However, exposing to nepotism

makes achieving the desired targets difficult.

Materials & Methods:

In this article, the concept of nepotism is explained and

literature and research findings about the existence of nepotism in health

workers are examined.


The nepotism is defined as comparing and contrasting a particular

individual, cluster, thought or practice with another and making a choice

between them without being objective in Turkish language society’s dictionary.

Also, nepotism in public service is protection and support by illegal and unfair

acts to someone whom the management feels them close to themselves.

There are no direct investigations to determine the presence of nepotismwithin

the health care system but it is seen that the researches are conducted to

determine the relationship between organizational commitment and nepotism.

As the applications of nepotism increased, it was realized that institutional

commitment decreased. One of the most common manifestations of nepotism

is injustice. The unfair attitude of institution to assignment, promotion, and

appointment causes increase work stress, decrease performance, decrease

job satisfaction of workers, and make them leave their work. In this scope,

nepotism has many negative consequences such as many sociological,

psychological and economic consequences. The application of nepotism

should not be included in institutions.


Avoiding fromnepotisminan institutionaffectshealth

care, workers career develop positively and this situation causes to increase

in number of happier, successful, motivated, professional and organizationally

committed health care workers, faction and total care behaviors of the nurses

with special domain authorization certificates.

Perception of nepotism in health care workers

Nurten Kaya, Gulsun Ozdemir Aydın and Nuray Turan

Istanbul University, Turkey

Nurten Kaya et al., J Nurs Health Stud 2018, Volume: 3

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C3-009


Nurten Kaya has completed her PhD from Istanbul University.

She worked at Florence Nightingale Faculty of Nursing,

Department of Fundamentals of Nursing from 1993 to 2013

and she has worked at the Health Sciences Faculty since 2013.

She has published more than 75 papers in reputed journals and

has been serving as an Editorial Board Member of repute. Her

areas of interest are intramuscular injection, complementary

therapy, nursing informatics, nursing theories and models,

nursing process and nursing care. She has book chapters and

other publications on Fundamentals of Nursing and she is

Leader of statutory research projects. She is Member of Turkish

Nurses Society, Nursing Education Society, and Graduates

Florence Nightingale School of Nursing Society