
A spectrofluorometer is an instrument that takes advantage of some compounds' fluorescent properties to provide information on their concentration and chemical environment within a sample. A certain wavelength of excitation is selected and the emission is either observed at a single wavelength, or a scan is performed to record the intensity vs. wavelength, also called an emission spectrum. The device is used for fluorescence spectroscopy.

Spectrofluorometers generally use sources of high-intensity light to bombard a sample with as many photons as possible. This allows at any one point in time the maximum number of molecules to be in an excited state. The light is either passed through a filter, choosing a fixed wavelength, or a monochromator, allowing a wavelength of interest to be chosen as the exciting light to be used. The emission is collected at the perpendicular to the emitted light. Sometimes, the emission is passed either through a filter or a monochromator before the emission can be detected by a photomultiplier tube, photodiode, or charging-coupled device detector. The signal may be digitally or in analog format.

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