Shortness Of Breath

Shortness of breath, or dyspnea, is an uncomfortable condition that creates it difficult to completely get air into your lungs. Problems together with your heart and lungs can harm your breathing.

Some people may experience shortness of breath suddenly for brief periods of your time. Others may experience it over the future — several weeks or more.

In light of the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic, shortness of breath has become widely related to this illness. Other common symptoms of COVID-19 include dry cough and fever.

Most people who develop COVID-19 will only experience mild symptoms. However, seek emergency medical attention if you experience:

• Trouble breathing

• Persistent tightness in your chest

• Blue lips

• Mental confusion

If your shortness of breath isn’t caused by a medical emergency, you'll try several sorts of home treatments that are effective at helping alleviate this condition.

Many simply involve changing position, which may help relax your body and airways.

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