Occupational Health Hazards

An occupational hazard is a hazard experienced in the workplace. Occupational hazards can are of many types like chemical hazards, biological hazards (biohazards), psychosocial hazards, and physical hazards. Occupational hazard often results in long term or short term risks Occupational infections occur when the humans get exposed to microbial agents like bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites. There is also a hypothesis that certain infectious diseases including malaria, dengue fever, and cholera become more prevalent climate change. However most of the diseases are linked with. Getting in contact with a particular organism while involving in a particular occupation is a high and direct risk for attaining certain infections. While in some other circumstances the kind of life style of an individual increases the risk of exposure to infection which is often ignored by the attending physician. Sometimes a direct interconnection can be difficult prove without the use of molecular epidemiological tests. Finally specific and certain preventive measures need to taken for the diagnosis and prevention of a disease.


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