Global Surveillance

Global surveillance has a lot of purposes, other than to combat terrorism, these surveillance programs were employed to assess the foreign policy and economic stability of other countries, and to gather commercial secrets. In a statement addressed to the National Congress of Brazil in early August 2013, journalist Glenn Greenwald maintained that the U.S. government had used counter-terrorism as a pretext for clandestine surveillance in order to compete with other countries in the business, industrial and economic fields. In a December 2013 letter to the Brazilian government, Snowden wrote that these programs were never about terrorism: they are about economic spying, social control, and diplomatic manipulation. They are about power. According to White House panel member NSA didn't stop any terrorist attack. However NSA chief said, that surveillance programs stopped 54 terrorist plots today, this global surveillance system continues to grow. Open-access journals are scholarly journals that are available to the reader on online by access to the internet itself Without financial, barriers .Open Access is a property of individual works. Open Access initiative helps in unlocking the traditional methods of subscription articles and releasing information to tertiary level readers, who normally would not have access to first hand research studies. One such established IMED PULISHING open access journal is bioterrorism and biodefense, this journal publishes articles related to Global surveillance.

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