Treatment Options for Colon Cancer

Stage 0 (Carcinoma in Situ):Local excision or simple polypectomy, Resection and anastomosis.
Stage I Colon Cancer:Resection and anastomosis.
Stage II Colon Cancer:Resection and anastomosis.
Stage III Colon Cancer:Resection and anastomosis followed by chemotherapy, Clinical trials of new chemotherapy regimens after surgery.
Stage IV and Recurrent Colon Cancer:Local excision for tumors that have recurred, Resection with or without anastomosis,Surgery to remove parts of other organs affected, Radiation therapy or chemotherapy,targeted therapy with a monoclonal antibody or an angiogenesis inhibitor, Clinical trials of chemotherapy.
Related Journals ofTreatment Options for Colon Cancer
Journal of Neoplasm, Journal of Universal Surgery, International Journal of Digestive Diseases, Anticancer Research, Cancer Science, Molecular Cancer Research,  Cancer Causes and Control.

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