Lungs Biology

Lung is the sponge-like, perforated, elastic vascular organ, which is situated inside of the chest cavity covering most of the lower respiratory tracts. The most crucial task a lung performs is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. In doing so, lung absorbs oxygen and mixes with blood while, removes carbon dioxide outside of the body. From the lungs, oxygenate blood reaching all the cells and tissues of the body. Each lung is divided into lobes. The right lung has three, whereas the left lung has only two allowing room to accommodate the heart. When we breathe in, air flows through the nose or mouth down the throat and through the voice box down to the windpipe (trachea). Then the air enters the two main large airways (the right and left bronchial tubes). These large airways branch into smaller and smaller airways (bronchioles). Wrapped around the airways are muscles in a crisscross manner to each other. These are involuntary muscles and their exact purpose is yet to be known. Air continues through these small airways till it finally reaches the tiny balloon-like air sacs (alveoli). It is through these air sacs that the oxygen is taken into the blood. 

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