Forensic Pathology

Forensic pathology is a sub-specialty of pathology that concentrates on determining the reason of death by inspecting a dead body. Forensic pathology dates back to the 16th century in Europe. The autopsy is done by a medical examiner, generally for the duration of the enquiry of criminal law cases and civil law cases in certain jurisdictions. Coroners, health inspectors are also regularly queried to approve the identity of a dead body. Forensic pathology is an presentation of medical jurisprudence. Pathology is the study of disease and its causes. Forensic pathology includes noticing the reason of demise, particularly in circumstances where it is unexpected or the police force doubtful that it has not happened by ordinary reasons. A forensic pathologist is a health doctor qualified in pathology.

Related journals of Forensic Pathology

Journal of Forensic Research, Journal of Forensic Pathology. Anil Aggrawal′s Internet Journal of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology, Australian Journal of Forensic Sciences, Journal of Forensic Nursing, Journal of Forensic Practice.

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