It is the least common but most severe type of primary headaches and unlike other headaches the painful attacks occurs multiple times a day in groups, as the name suggests and also referred to as ‘alarm clock’ as it occurs at the same time per day, often in the nights and early morning hours and can last for weeks or even months. It’s a painful headache producing sharp burning or piercing sensation felt on one side of the head usually behind the eye resulting in watery and inflamed eye with contracted pupil and congested nose. Cluster headaches are triggered by smoking, alcohol, histamines, nitroglycerin etc.
Journals related to Cluster Headache
Brain Disorders & Therapy , Journal of Dementia & Mental health, Trauma & Treatment , The Journal of Headache and Pain, Journal of Medical Case Reports, Neurology, The Journal of Family Practice, The journal Cephalalgia, the British Journal of Anaesthesia, American Journal of Nursing, Journal of the Neurological Sciences, International Medical Journal , The Lancet Neurology, Journal of Neurology, International Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, International Journal of Neurology Research, New England Journal of Medicine, European Journal of Neurology.