
Claudication is pain, tired or weak feeling that occurs in legs, usually during activity such as walking. The symptoms typically begin when start to exercise, and go away a short time after rest.

Arteries carry blood rich with oxygen and nutrients from heart to the rest of the body. When the arteries that carry blood to legs become narrowed or blocked, leg muscles may not receive enough of the blood and oxygen they need to support physical activity. Physicians call this lack of oxygen ischemia. Initially, legs may receive enough blood while at rest so that do not experience any discomfort without activity.

However, muscles need more oxygen when exercise, so if the arteries in legs are narrowed to the point that too little blood reaches the muscles, we may feel leg pain when walk. Claudication, which physicians also call intermittent claudication because it happens off and on, is a serious warning symptom because people who have it are also at increased risk for heart attack and stroke.

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Journal of Vascular Medicine & Surgery, American Journal of Cardiovascular Drugs, Cardiovascular Toxicology, Cardiovascular Pathology: Open Access, International Journal of Cardiovascular Research Hybrid, Cardiovascular Diseases & Diagnosis, Cardiovascular Pharmacology: Open Access, Cardiovascular Diabetology, Cardiovascular Drug Reviews, Vascular Health and Risk Management, Seminars in Vascular Surgery, BMC Cardiovascular Disorders, European Journal of Cardiovascular Nursing

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