Often significant excess of loose or sagging skin that don’t tightens itself needs to be treated. The process of arm lift involves liposuction with many incisions in armpit and inner arm to tighten the surrounding skin and give attractive and slimmer arms.
Journals Related to Arm Tuck/Arm Lift
Medical Implants & Surgery, General Medicine: Open Access, Journal of Surgery [Jurnalul de Chirurgie], Journal of Transplantation Technologies & Research, Arm Lift Surgery: Brachioplasty, Body Lifts, Plastic Surgery Trend: Upper Arm Lifts on the Rise, Journal of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery, Arms: Liposuction, Tucks and Brachioplasty, Arm Lift - UT Southwestern Medical Center, Aesthetic Reconstructive Surgery Journal.
Journal of Aesthetic & Reconstructive Surgery received 130 citations as per Google Scholar report