World Program Against Cancer in Low and Middle Incomes Countries

May 27, 2021 Online Event

El Hadji Seydou MBAYE*

PhD in Biology and Human Pathologies with collaboration of the International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization, Lyon, France.
BCNet International working group, International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization, Dakar, Senegal

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Clin Mol Pathol


INTRODUCTION: Worldwide, one in eight deaths is due to cancer. Projections based on the GLOBOCAN 2012 estimates predict a substantive increase new cancer cases per year by 2035 in developing countries if preventive measures are not widely applied. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), millions of lives could be saved each year if countries made use of existing knowledge and the best cost-effective methods to prevent and treat cancer. Therefore, the aim of this study is to estimate a provisional budget against cancer in low and middle incomes countries, according the GNI-PPP, the cancer incidence and the number of population. METHODS: Economically country classification are determining with the Gross national income (GNI), per capita, Purchasing power parity (PPP), according the administrations of the International Monetary Fund (IMF); the World Bank (WB) and the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). Cancer incidence data presented are based on the most recent data available at IARC. However, population compares estimates from the US Bureau of the Census. The provisional budget is establishing among the guidelines developed by WHO for regional and national cancer control programs according to national economic development. RESULTS: A compilation of 91 articles representing 91 Programs against cancer in low and middle incomes countries are determining. CONCLUSION: Provisional budget against cancer is estimated to 51,477,422.00 (thousands of U.S $) for a population of 3,682,702.05 (thousands peoples), in 91 low and middle incomes countries worldwide, according the GNI-PPP, the cancer incidence and the number of population.


Dr. El Hadji Seydou Mbaye was born in 1978 in Kaolack a region of Senegal. During 2008-2013, he earned his PhD in Biology and Human Pathologies with the collaboration of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) /WHO, Lyon (France); 2006-2007 : Master of Life and Health, Specialty Biology of microorganisms, Virology in Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg (France); 2005-2006 : Master of Life and Health, option of Immunophysiopathology in Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg (France); 2004-2005 : License of Biochemistry in Louis Pasteur University of Strasbourg (France); 2002-2004 : General Degree in Sciences and Technologies in University of METZ (France).
He was certified by the Federation International of Gynecology Obstetrics (FIGO), the Accreditation Council of Oncology in Europe (ACOE,, the Institute Catalan of Oncology (ICO) for cervical cancer prevention (Grade 10/10) in support of Continuing Medical Education for physicians. These credits are also recognized as Physician’s Recognition Award (AMA PRA Category 1 credits) by the American Medical Association. He was certified, by the United Nations for Basic Notion of Security on the Ground-Protection, Health and behavior, by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC)/World Health Organization, Lyon (France) for Safety Certificate. He has published 1 Book with a style of philosophical story. Author of the world program against cancer in low and middle incomes countries, he is lead author (first listed) of more than 90 peer-reviewed research