Woman Fertility

9th International Conference on Acupuncture & Chinese Medicine
August 20-21, 2018 Dublin, Ireland

Polizogopoulos Dimitris

Multimed Medical Centre, Greece

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Herb Med

DOI: 10.21767/2472-0151-C1-002


This study will explain the therapies with or without hormones on how to boost Fertility and reduce stress with acupuncture, diet, herbs, yoga and exercise. In this study acupuncture procedure will be used four times during woman’s circle. First, on the 4th or 5th day of blood when it is going to finish, what we want to do is to clear vagina from the endometrium. Secondly, on the 10th -13th day we need to prepare and create big and fertile ovum. Thirdly, on the 18th -20th day, we need to keep the energy of the body at a high level. Finally, we use acupuncture on the 25th -28th day. At this point, woman must keep the ovum in the body and have the pregnancy. Thus, we use points of the REN MAI. In this month we recommend a nutrition program, yoga exercise and herbs.


Polizogopoulos Dimitris has completed his first Diploma in Shiatsu and was nominated as a Hatha Yoga Teacher at the Athens Yoga and Budo Academy. He has been working with alternative therapies since his early twenties. He had TCM Diploma from Ancient Greek; TCM Academy of Athens and Tianjin University. Moreover, he has a Diploma in Nutrition and Weight Training at the IAFA. He is a Reiki master, owner operator of Be Healthy and GR Therapy Centre, Instructor of Mix Martial Arts and Hatha Yoga since 1993 and he is teaching TCM from the Ancient Greek and TCM Academy of Athens. He is currently the Director of alternative therapies at the Multimed Medical Centre in Athens..

E-mail: polizogopoulosdimitris@gmail.com


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