What do Lebanese women know about cervical cancer and Human papillomavirus? A report on awareness levels in urban communities

European Congress on Vaccines & Vaccination and Gynecologic Oncology
October 26 -27, 2018 Budapest , Hungary

J Choucair and S Abboud

Saint Joseph University-Hotel Dieu de France, Lebanon

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Crit Care Obst & Gyne

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9803-C1-002


Objectives: To evaluate the knowledge of adult urban Lebanese women regarding cervical cancer (CC), its symptoms and risk factors and Human Papillomavirus (HPV) infection, its diagnostic tests and vaccination. To measure the uptake of the CC screening test (Pap smear) and the uptake of HPV vaccination and to determine the influencing factors. Methods: 444 women aged ≥18 years previously healthy fill out a 32 item questionnaire about CC and HPV. Data was analyzed in SPSS® v. 21.0. Results: 45.7% aged 18 to 25, were Christian (50.7%), single (49.3%), with high education (73.9%) and currently employed (49.1%) in a field not related to health (84.9%). They did not visit a general physician (64%) or a gynecologist (64.6%) regularly. 85.6% were aware of CC. HPV involvement in the pathogenesis of CC was correctly identified in 53.9%. 35.6% were aware of HPV infection but 80.4% believed they lack information. 37.6% had a Pap smear at least once whereas 9% did not know what a Pap smear was. Screening and regular visits to a physician were significantly associated with CC awareness. Only 11.7% aged 18 to 35 were vaccinated against HPV. Vaccination uptake was significantly associated with CC awareness, religion, field of work and studies, and regular visits to gynecologists. Conclusion: Urban Lebanese women are not well informed in regards to CC and HPV. Screening by Pap smear and HPV vaccination uptakes are non-satisfactory. Further interventions are required in order to improve these numbers.


Jacques Choucair is an Infectious Diseases Specialist in Hotel Dieu de France in Beyrouth. He did 2 years Fellowship at Bichat Claude Bernard hospital, University of Paris VII faculty of Medicine and Bacteriology at Broussais Hospital affiliated to University of Paris V, Faculty of Pharmacy. He has a Medical Teaching Diploma from the University of Montreal and published more than 30 articles and is a Reviewer in national and international journals. He is a Member the Lebanese Society of Infectious Diseases, a Member of the Arab association for the proper use of antibiotics, Member of ECMID and the ICID.

E-mail: Jacqueschoucair@hotmail.com