Water recycling- waste water treatment plant at Badovc

4th Edition of International Conference on Environmental Science & Technology
March 29-31, 2018 Vienna, Austria

Sokol Xhafa and Sabrie Spahiu

University for Business and Technology, Kosovo Regional Water Company Pristina, Kosovo

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Environ Res


Seeing the climate changes effect and SDG-6 by, RWC Pristina developed a strategic plan towards source protection, and proper water source management. Currently RWC Pristine is using different water source, surface and underground, but still Badovc Lake is one of the biggest and most important sources. Since 1965 when Badovc Lake is filled, its destination from the beginning was to use it, also as a water source for population of capital city of Pristina. Meanwhile there were a population growth and with this automatically came to a need for more water, and in other side more potential pollutant on the streams, river and then lake. Seeing from this point of view RWC Pristina has invested on source protection, and finally in 2017 started to operate fully with waste water treatment plant (WWTP). This WWTP is constructed in lowest part of village Mramor. Previously all the sewage has been discharged directly on the stream, and then this stream was discharging into Badovc Lake. On 2016 it was constructed a sewage line, which now discharges firstly into inlet of WWTP, this waste water go through biological treatment process and finally discharges again in the stream, river that fills Badovc Lake. From Badovc Lake water goes for treatment through pump station to water treatment plant and then it goes to distribution water supply system.


Sokol Xhafa holds a Master of Science degree in Water Engineering, studied at Polytechnic University of Tirana. His career started as an Engineer on 2006, as a Reconstruction Contractor for European Agency. He has experience in distribution water supply systems, dams, water power plants, and other related water engineering facilities. He was a part of different national and international conferences in region and Europe. He holds the position of Technical Director at RWC Pristina which is a biggest water utility in Kosova. He is also a Lecturer at University of Business and Technology in Pristina and he is Chair Leader of Young Water Professionals Group in Kosovo.
