ISSN : ISSN: 2572-5548
Maria de los Milagros Lewkowicz, Florencia Von Stecher, Agustina Bruno, Alejandro Damonte, Alejandra Avagnina, Joaquin Garcia Moratto
Hospital de ClÃ?Ânicas JosÃ?© de San MartÃ?Ân, Argentina
ScientificTracks Abstracts: Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis
Pleomorphic adenoma of the trachea is a benign tumour, extremely rare, that generates obstructive symptoms and sometimes is confused with asthma, which delays its diagnosis. We present the case of a 40-year-old woman with history of asthma and airway obstruction, of 8-months duration. Fibro bronchoscopy showed polypoid, pedunculated lesion in first tracheal ring which occluded 80% of the lumen that was resected. The histopathological diagnosis was pleomorphic adenoma with lipometaplasia. Treatment of these tumours consists in complete resection of the lesion and long-term follow-up due to low probability of recurrence, malignancy and metastasis.
Maria de los Milagros Lewkowicz is a medical doctor who studied and graduated in UBA (University of Buenos Aires). Currently in the 4th year of her residency in pathology at a University Hospital called Hospital de Clinicas "José de San Martín" in Argentina. She will present an extremely strange and clinically enriching case, studied as a team by Pathologist and Surgeons of the hospital. This clinical case has been recently published in the most important magazine in the country called Medicine.