ISSN : 2471-9838

Nano Research & Applications

The quasi-solid state single-atom transistor: perspectives for quantum electronics at room temperature

EuroSciCon Conference on Nanotechnology & Smart Materials
October 04 -06 ,2018 Amsterdam , Netherlands

Thomas Schimmel

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Germany

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Nano Res Appl

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9838-C6-024


A quasi-solid state atomic-scale quantum conductance switch is demonstrated which allows to open and close an electrical circuit by the controlled and reproducible reconfiguration of individual silver atoms within an atomic-scale junction. The only movable parts of the switch are the contacting atoms. The device which is fabricated by electrochemical deposition of silver atoms within a gel electrolyte is entirely controlled by an external voltage applied to an independent third gate electrode. Controlled switching was performed between a quantized, electrically conducting “on-state” exhibiting a conductance of G0 = 2e2/h (≈ 1/12.9kΩ) or pre-selectable multiples of this value and an insulating “offstate”. The device, which reproducibly operates at room temperature, represents an atomic transistor or relay, opening intriguing perspectives for the emerging fields of quantum electronics and logics on the atomic scale.
