The holistic model of health and methods of its evaluation

9th Edition of International Conference on Preventive Medicine & Public Health
July 16-17, 2018 London, UK

Aizman Roman

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Russia

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Prev Med

DOI: 10.21767/2572-5483-C1-002


We set up the modern system of health evaluation found on following principles: A holistic model of health is based on the view of the unity of physical, mental and spiritual essences of a person. The organism and its environment are whole having mutual influences on each other. The level of health can be estimated quantitatively determining the reserve possibilities of the organism during adaptation to the physical and mental loads. The child’s organism goes through stages of growth and development, therefore the parameters characterizing his health change in ontogeny. We developed the computer programs for monitoring the health of students, which consist of five interconnected autonomous units allowing to assess: the physical development and functional reserves of the organism; the state of the mental sphere (emotionalvolitional, cognitive, intellectual); personal potential and professional route; propensity to various psycho-social dependencies; and the state of the study environment. Electronic passports of health are characterized by the following advantages: integrative approach to health as a systemic state; computerization of all data; quantitative expression of parameters, providing the possibility of dynamic observation and comparison of the health level of various groups; relative simplicity of examination, which does not require expensive equipment; possibility to transmit survey results via the internet; involvement of the subject in the survey process, which increases his personal interest; and the ability to predict the risk of behavior associated with a propensity for psychosocial dependencies.


Aizman Roman has been graduated from Novosibirsk Medical University as Medical Doctor, with the speciality including Physiology. He defended Candidate and Doctor Disserttions on Renal and Developmental Physiology in Moscow, Institute of Developmental Physiology, Russian Academy of Education. Later on he started working at the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University as Assistant Professor, then as Professor, Head of the Deptartment of Human Anatomy, Physiology and Life Safety, where presently he has been working. His reseach interests now are related to the problem of public health and safety.


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