Septum-based superomedial pedicle reduction mammoplasty

2nd International Conference on Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery
July 27-28, 2017 Vancouver, Canada

Hashem M Ayad and Mohamed Saad Sadaka

Tanta University, Egypt

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Aesthet Reconstr Surg

DOI: 10.4172/2472-1905-C1-003


Introduction: Elizabeth Wuringer et al., in 1998 described the horizontal breast septum which attaches the nipple areola complex (NAC) to the 5th rib and conveys the neurovascular supply to the nipple. We report a technique of superomedial pedicle reduction mammoplasty based on the Wuringer’s septum.

Aim of the Work: To evaluate the safety and efficacy of septum-based technique in superomedial pedicle reduction mammoplasty

Patients & Methods: This study included 20 patents with breast hypertrophy requesting reduction mammoplasty in Tanta University Hospitals. Dissection of the pedicle was done with preservation of the breast septum and its medial ligament and the base of lateral ligament, so preserving blood supply and nerve supply to nipple-areola complex.

Results: None of our patients developed postoperative nipple-areola necrosis or decrease in nipple sensation. Good breast size and shape and patient satisfaction was achieved.

Conclusion: This technique is safe and improves the blood supply and nerve supply to the NAC and provides the surgeon with freedom on resection and shaping of the breast with minimal complications.

