Saliva as a diagnostic tools

Virtual Meet on 30th American Dental Congress & 26th American World Dentistry Congress
September 27, 2021 | Webinar

Ravi Vijay Kumar


ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Orthod Endod


Saliva as a diagnosti1c fluid offers distinctive advantages over serum because it can be collected non-invasively by individuals with modest training. Furthermore, saliva may provide a cost-effective approach for the screening of large populations. Whole saliva may be used for diagnosis of systemic diseases, because it contains serum constituents. This review explains the diagnostic application of saliva for hereditary disorders, autoimmune diseases, malignant and infectious diseases, and endocrine disorders, as well as in the assessment of therapeutic levels of drugs and the monitoring of illicit drug use, and also for forensic evidence and others. In future we are likely to see the increased utilization of saliva as a diagnostic fluid. As we enter the era of genomic medicine, sialo chemistry will play an increasingly important role in the early detection, the monitoring and progression of the systemic and oral diseases. Conclusion: Saliva May Soon Replace Blood for Diagnosis.


My self Dr. Ravi Vijay Kumar from INDIA I completed my bachelor’s degree from Lalit Narayan Mithila university Darbhanga Bihar (Sarjug dental collage and hospital Darbhanga). I go through many journals text books for this presentation.