Relationship inside the Museums between Contemporaneity and Antiquities in Art and Archaeology

1st Edition of international Conference on Archaeology and Anthropology
October 01-02, 2018 London, UK

Stefano Rossi

Aion Cultura ��? Cortona MAEC, Italy

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Glob J Res Rev 2018

DOI: 10.21767/2393-8854-C1-003


In these years our society tries to carry on a new point of view to develop an interaction between contemporaneity and antiquities, archaeology with contemporary art to show that man is always the same, Homo sapiens, his brain has not changed since the beginning of Upper Pal eolithic and reacts in the same way to the problems the environment induces, often elaborating the same solutions or the same expressions. According to this aim we are introducing several initiatives together some museum institutions including a series of art exhibitions and conferences about relationship between topics of the museums and the point of view of an artist about these. Thus we started with an exhibition made in 2018 at MAEC – Archaeological Museum in Cortona and in MANN –Archaeological Museum of Naples, of a photographer, Aldo Palazzolo from Sicily, and which is considered by the critics one of the most important portraitist in contemporary authorphotography, using his works in relationship with the content of the museums with: some portraits overlapping ancient statuary, a work concerning light in marble sculptures, furthermore some composed traces of Egyptian culture, in a continuous reference to the forms of antiquity. And nextly in MANN: -another exhibition of an American photographer, Susannah Hays, Prof. in Fine Arts at University of Georgia, whose work is focused on objects and their cultural meanings, or degrading landscapes like in different archaeological layers. A conference about Domenico Cimarosa, the famous 18th cent. Neapolitan opera composer, carried out by dr. Simone Perugini (DAMS University of Florence) with the participation of M.° Riccardo Muti. A commemoration of the famous Naples journalist Luigi Necco, very famous in Italy for his works in RaiTv, who produced archaeological documentaries about Pompei, Near East, mostly on Mesopotamia and Egypt which we’ll present in MANN on June 2019. Keywords: Photography, Contemporary Art, Music, Museums Age. Recent Publications 1. L’Elba e l’Arcipelago Toscano. Le avventure archeologiche di Ilvo, Roste e Velia. Guida per ragazzi. Pisa 2010 2. La preistoria. La vita quotidiana nella Toscana antica, AMAT, Firenze 2013 3. Metodologia ordinativa dei motivi decorativi applicata alla ceramica vascolare dell’età del Bronzo finale nell’ Italia medio-tirrenica in “Atti XLII Riun Sc I.I.P.P. Arte preistorica in Italia – Trento 2007” Trento 2014 4. La collezione etrusca del MAEC. Guida breve, Cortona 2018


Stefano Rossi completed his degree (Prehistoric Archaeology) in 1993 and Special School of Archaeology (Prehistory and Proto-history) in 2000 at University of Florence, and several Masters. He is member of IIPP (Italian Institute of Prehistory), Accademia Etrusca di Cortona and ICOM. He founded and works for a private society (Aion Cultura) from 1995 in Cortona (Arezzo), for which he is the coordinator of archaeological projects. He is active mainly at Museo dell’Accademia Etrusca e ella Città di Cortona – MAEC, in which is responsable of the managing for archaeological sector. He is involved daily with educational in museums and communication with a large audience. His research area is Bronze Age, Etruscans, Excavations, Educational, Museums, Exhibitions, Relations between contemporaneity and ancient world. He dug about 50 excavations, most of them as coordinator or director. He has published more than 20 scientific papers and popular books. He gave several lectures for different Universities.
