Re-evaluation of nutritional risk by malnutrition universal screening tool (MUST) in elderly patients on admission to the ward E3 of Matsumoto Medical Center

9th Edition of International Conference on Preventive Medicine & Public Health
July 16-17, 2018 London, UK

Ayako Saito, Yumiko Aruga and Yuji Aoki

National Hospital Organization Matsumoto Medical Center, Japan

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Prev Med

DOI: 10.21767/2572-5483-C1-002


Background & Aim: Malnutrition is said to be an underrecognized and under-treated problem. Malnutrition universal screening tool (MUST) has been used to rapidly and simply identify subjects at risk of malnutrition. We re-evaluated nutritional risk by using MUST in elderly patients on admission differentially in winter and in summer. Subjects & Methods: Patients at age of 65 or older who were admitted to the Ward E3 of Matsumoto Medical Center in February and August, 2017 were studied. The patients were categorized by MUST score, and their serum albumin levels were assessed. Results: As shown in table 1, the frequency of patients at malnutrition risk on admission (medium and high risk according to MUST) was significantly (p<0.05, χ2 test) higher in Aug (43.2%) than in Feb (26.5%). They were older than those at low risk (p=0.018 in Feb and p=0.055 in Aug, unpaired t test), and mostly not referred to dietitians. Considerable hypoalbuminemia was seen in more than a few patients at low risk. The frequency of patients at low risk with serum albumin levels of 3 g/dl or less was significantly (p<0.05) higher in Feb (19.7%) than in Aug (4.0%). Conclusion: Malnutrition in elderly patients, which occurred more likely in summer, was suggested to be under-estimated also in our hospital. Dietitians should be more proactively involved in identifying and treating such elderly patients at risk of malnutrition.


Ayako Saito, RD is a Chief Dietician of Department of Nutrition Management, National Hospital Organization, Matsumoto Medical Center, Matsumoto, Japan. She got a BS in Department of Food Science, Otsuma Women’s University in 2008. She is working for the nutrition management of patients with malnutrition.


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