Nursing leadership for new millennium: towards professionalization

27th Edition of World Congress on Nursing Education & Research
April 23-25, 2018 Rome, Italy

Joshi S G

Symbiosis International University, India

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Nurs Health Stud

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C1-003


In this millennium of supersonic speed of managed care, leadership development is important for the future spectrum in nursing. Optimism and courage are the trademarks of great leaders. Leadership is a collective function and integrated synergies expression of a group�s efforts. It is not the sum of individual dominance and contributions, it is their interrelationships. There is a need to identify current and future challenges in health care and create a roadmap for nursing practice that can meet the needs of the 21st century. Nurses are acknowledged as the backbone of health care delivery system, thus the nurses today need to rise to the occasion and contribute wholeheartedly towards redefining and restructuring the nursing profession beyond its traditional boundaries. Thus, nursing profession demands leaders with a vision and determination to mould nursing education and practice in new dimensions. Rarely does one have the luxury and time to reflect on the optimal way to create something new. Present day situation is a wonderful and unique opportunity for nurse leaders and managers to provide an arena to discuss change to create a better system. Every nurse must develop leadership competencies among themselves and make partnership with health professionals to improve healthcare delivery system. There are several important leadership competencies when used effectively, will help ensure success. This paper discusses further the cascade of leadership development competencies required for nurses in the new millennium.