Molecularly engineered surfactin biosurfactant to treat MDA-MB-231, triple negative breast cancer

Webinar on Immunology and Vaccines Summit 2021
November 12, 2021| Webinar

Julius Rajcani

Medical Faculty of Comenius University (CU) in Bratislava, Slovakia

Keynote: J Med Microbiol Immunol Res


Together 28 piglets (aged over 2 months) were infected with 105 TCID50 of porcine respiratory and reproductive syndrome virus (PRRSV) into both nasal nostrils using a volume of 2x150 (i.e. 300) microliter inoculum. In addition, 9 piglets served as uninfected controls. On day 11 postinfection, tissue samples from tonsillar area, each lung lobe, spleen and liver were taken from 12 sacrificed animals. By day 18, another 16 piglets have been authopsied for tissue sampling. At both intervals, also blood samples were taken for serological examination. For histological examination, the organ samples were fixed in neutral formalin, processed and embedded into paraffin. Sections were stained either for standard histology, or treated with immunohistochemically staining reagents. A commercial monospecific antiserum against the N protein of PRRSV was applied in the first layer and then combined with an alkaline phosphatase labelled second antibody in second layer. An additional slide was treated with the second antibody only for staining control. In 4 out of 9 uninfected (negative control) piglets a slight focal thickening of the peri-bronchial connective tissue and/or of the inter-alveolar septa was noted (a finding referred to as a mild non-specific interstitial infiltrate, MNSII). This could be clearly distinguished from the usual interstitial pneumonia (UIP) detected in the lungs of 23 out of 28 infected animals (82 %). In the latter, the inter-alveolar septa revealed more widespread mononuclear cell (mainly lymphocyte) infiltration occasionally reaching an extensive intensity. As a rule, the N-protein was found in the bronchial ciliary epithelium cells of nearly all the piglets who developed UIP (21 out of 28, 75 %), along with less frequently positive squamous epithelium at pharyngeal and/or tonsilar areas (13/28, 46 %).


virologist and pathologist, Graduated at Medical Faculty of Comenius University (CU) in Bratislava, Slovakia (in 1960), from 1960-1966 research fellow at the Pathology Department of the same Medical School; PhD (1970) and ScD (1985) at the Institute of Virology, Slovak Academy of Sciences (SAS), Bratislava; associate professor at the Jessenius Medical Faculty of CU in Martin (Slovakia). Executive editor of the international journal Acta virologica (1981-1991) and presidium Member of SAS in 1995-1998. Author of 7 books and 20 chapters in handbooks as well as of 220 original research papers (which have been cited over 1900 times).