Midwives role in infertility treatment centers and fertility outcome

International Congress on Midwifery and Maternal health
April 11, 2022 | Webinar

Fahimeh Mollaahmadi

Tarbiat Modares University, Turkey

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Womens Health Reprod Med


Infertility, in addition to the physical problem in couples, is a deep and complex mental and emotional crisis among them that will challenge the quality of a life together. Additionally, the process of diagnosis and modern methods of infertility treatment is often a turbulent and long process that requires serious psychological support. Presence of midwives in infertility treatment centres due to the special role of this group in providing general health, especially women's reproductive health and continuous and direct communication with couples in reducing stress due to lack of awareness and readiness to face problems caused by the new treatment process And successive failures and unintended consequences and high-risk pregnancies are very helpful and vital. Due to the special complexities of the field of fertility, respected experts in this field are responsible for heavy tasks from diagnosis to outcome, and the duty of informing and accompanying couples to walk this journey in peace, along with complete and continuous explanations at each stage of treatment is the responsibility of midwifery staff considering specialized knowledge of reproductive health and high skills to communicate properly with patients. Therefore, a friendly and professional relationship in reducing the anxiety of the treatment process to achieve better results and the continuation of a successful pregnancy and follow-up of the mother and baby resulting from treatment requires specialized training of midwifery experts providing such subjects in their main course curriculum. Pregnancy following ART(artificial reproductive treatment) needs more as well as special support to supervise any issues with focus on any problematic symptoms or bad effects. Midwives can be the best option in providing optimal services for infertility treatment, especially pregnancy and following the treatment outcomes, along with gynaecologists, and with an effective and close scientific cooperation and interaction, have a great impact on improving the quality of services and results and patient satisfaction. Midwife should perform special duties patient focused with excellent interpersonal communication skills. Proven track record of working effectively in diverse environments as part of a multidisciplinary team.


Fahimeh Mollaahmadi has 12 years of work experience, concentrated in Fertility /Scientific / Bio, including a somewhat high-level position. Through my working years, she has mainly performed Midwifery duties, research and clinical responsibilities. She also familiar with appropriate and effective communication skills, with Full knowledge of ART Techniques, familiarity with the equipment and devices of ART, familiarity with computers and common medical software and knowledge of Molecular Genetic laboratory techniques.