MaxVax: Changing the Conversation about COVID Vaccination

Webinar on Immunology and Vaccines Summit 2021
November 12, 2021| Webinar

Sheryl R. Fox

Seton Hall University Market Research Center, USA

Keynote: J Med Microbiol Immunol Res


The pandemic has been fraught with confusing and conflicting guidance, misinformation, and disease politicization, with wide variations in receptivity to vaccinating in the U.S. Resistance to vaccines in general, the speed at which the vaccines have been developed, introduction of new vaccine technology, and a challenging vaccine rollout have all contributed to vaccine hesitancy. The goal is to understand attitudinal and emotional drivers and barriers of vaccine receptivity to inform development of targeted “calls to action” aimed at maximizing vaccination, particularly among reluctant population segments. Seton Hall University Market Research Center, supported by Intellus Worldwide (IWW) Clear Health Communication Taskforce volunteers, conducted market research with women ages 18-35 from March – May 2021, during the vaccine roll-out in the U.S.Findings reveal three distinct “personas,” as well as the underlying drivers and barriers to vaccination for each. A subsequent study, underway now, will test various messages encouraging vaccination for each person.


Sheryl Fox is a career global insights strategist focused on healthcare, well-versed in strategic brand development. Recognized as an industry expert and futuristic thinker, she founded Future Health Strategies to leverage the intersection of data, insights and technology. As President North America for THE PLANNING SHOP international, Sherry built an entirely virtual infrastructure and doubled revenues for the global company, positioning it for acquisition by Omnicom, a $15 billion corporation. In addition, she volunteers with Intellus on the Clear Health Communication Task Force. Sherry holds a B.S. in Business and a M.B.A. in Marketing from Temple University in Philadelphia.