ISSN : 2634-7156
Sandeep Raj Pandey
Norvic International Hospital, Nepal
ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Vasc Endovasc Surg
Background: Pseudoaneurysm is a condition arising from disruption in arterial wall with blood dissecting into the tissues around the damaged artery creating a sac that communicates with the arterial lumen. Its incidence is on rise due to increase in endovascular procedures, orthopedic surgeries and intravenous drug abuse. Objective: Comparing the causes of femoral artery pseudoaneurysm, clinical and radiological diagnosis, treatment of such condition and postoperative complications including morbidity or mortality of this condition. Patients and Methods: 20 patients with femoral artery pseudoaneurysm from drug abuse, 14 patients with femoral artery pseudoaneurysm after femoral catheterization, for percutaneous coronary intervention,& 1 post hip surgery admitted to The Vascular Surgery Unit in my Hospital in the period from Jan. 2015 to Jan 2019. Direct repair, Ligation without revascularization or Ligation with revascularization by direct segment replacement or extra-anatomical bypass were done.Direct ligation was done in drug abuser infected PSA. Results: Femoral artery pseudoaneurysm after femoral catheterization, for percutaneous coronary intervention & post hip surgery was managed by direct repair without any postoperative morbidity or morality regarding the procedure. femoral artery pseudoaneurysm from drug abuse was different as 20 patients were directly ligated femoral artery without revascularization but 1 of them suffered from acute limb ischemia and revascularized urgently but both of them end by above knee amputation ,also later on follow up 2 patients suffered from severe claudication pain and need revascularization with extra- anatomical bypass,1 patients were managed by ligation with extra-anatomical bypass and 1 patients were managed by direct repair.Hip surgery lead PSA went to government ceneter due to budget issues as I planned it for endovascular stenting being non-infected & PSA site was only Profunda femoris A. Conclusion: Early management of pseudoaneurysm of femoral artery and good flow up of patient postoperatively can reduce morbidity and mortality of this fatal condition. Pseudoaneurysms in IV drug abusers present frequently in an infected state, usually delayed by several days to weeks. As a result, ligation and debridement appears to be a simple, safe and effective procedure, saving life and limb with minimal morbidity. However, there is a need to evaluate the long term follow up on these patients.
Sandeep Raj Pandey is currently working as a vascular specialist post fellowship & training in Vascular Chief of Vascular at Norvic International Hospital, Nepal. His research interest mainly focusses on Vascular Surgery related areas.
Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Therapy received 177 citations as per Google Scholar report