ISSN : ISSN 2471-9633

Insights in Neurosurgery

Live Life, do not let Life Live you!

4th International Conference on BRAIN DISORDERS AND DEMENTIA CARE
August 14-16, 2017 | Toronto, Canada

Wayne P Gillis

Author & Brain Injury Thriver, Canada

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Neurosurg

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9633-C1-005


� Define this phrase�.?! � Starting from the beginning� � �Live Life�. Budgeting, adapting, living within your means is what�.? � Having Choices and options! � Not letting �Life Live� you, through credit cards and interest payments alone. � Existing in a job when you could choose to OWN your own life! � Lottery winnings, insurance settlements, inheritances, all breed excitement. � Actually arriving at a place of GROWTH not simply a place of existence! Then actively CHOOING to remain is this �balanced state� by consciously exercising your thoughtful choices! However sadly here, as seen far too often, we are on the losing team. My ex banking days proves just that with the introduction of �debt consolidation� loans! A story to share. When I worked for a National Bank in Canada, I worked with a lady whose social equation was factored as such the following �social life� result was seen. Upon acceptance for this national level job, then subtracting the 2nd car payment, the needed child care, the business dressed fashion, gas and the needed parking fee down town, she worked for $150.00 a month! At that time, that was 2 nights out and a babysitter for her and her husband. Indeed, not alone but �Life was Living� her as well as others too!


Wayne was a national bank trainer then went onto build a successful business in Ocala Florida. After the sale, Wayne returned to Canada to go to University, with plans to become a medical doctor. However the course, “The Psychology of Law” altered his path. Then in 2005 a car struck the motorcycle he was driving and atop his NUMEROUS injuries, was a closed head traumatic brain injury (TBI). It was that trauma that started his life all over again! From simple walking to talking, he has lived in Charlottetown PEI, Halifax Nova Scotia and most recently Celebration & Kissimmee Florida. He has developed his Keynote speech and coaching business while being a stay at home Dad, actively managing his two active sons in swimming and competitive gymnastics. Wayne has spoken to Dalhousie University school of physiotherapy, Sun Life Financial as well as CIBC. His passion is to pass his simple yet effective recovery choice to all other survivors and all people in general, dealing with life’s inevitable change. Always remembering, GROWTH is an option!