ISSN : ISSN No. 2472-1921
Ganesh Baruwal, Kishor Adhikari
Ganesh Baruwal (Tribhuwan University, Institute of Medicine, Nepal) Kishor Adhikari (KLE University,India)
ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Clin Nutr Diet
Anaemia is an extremely serious public health problem in Nepal. Anaemia is typically defined as a haemoglobin level of less than 13.5 gram/100 ml and less than 12 gram /100 ml for men and women respectively. The Iron Deficiency Anemia in pregnancy increases the risk of growth retardation low birth weight, premature delivery, increased perinatal mortality and reduced resistance to infection for mother as well as the infant. Compliance may be defined as the extent to which behaviour of the subject coincides with medical or health advice. The major problem with iron supplementation in pregnancy is compliance. Objective: To assess the Iron tablet compliance and its determinants among pregnant women. Method: The study was a quantitative cross-sectional study design. The total sample size was 341 number of eight-month completed pregnant women of rural settings of Nepal. Result: Among the total 341 respondents mean (SD) age and mean (SD) age at first childbirth was 23.38 (4.92) years and 20.06 (2.92) respectively found. Whereas mean (SD) weight of respondent at 9 months of pregnancy was 60.87 kg (5.86) and mean (SD) height was observed 154.41 cm (4.91). There was found 72.7% respondent visit complete fourth ANC visit in their 9th month of pregnancy and 87% of respondents consume deworming tablets. Result found that nearly half of the respondent had more than three years of spacing between pregnancies. There was 81% of pregnant women had a high level of iron tablets compliance and 19% had a low level of compliance. Among the total pregnant women, 86.7% start to consume iron tablets within four months of pregnancy. About 34% of pregnant women felt side effect of iron tablets. Common side effects of iron tablet were Nausea (36.4%), Gastritis (35%) and Constipation (11.1%). Result found that 39.6% of pregnant women were anaemic. Whereas 28% were mildly anaemic and 11% were moderately anaemic. Regarding knowledge on anaemia, there were only 5.6% of pregnant women had a medium level of knowledge remaining 94.4% had a low level of knowledge. Result observed that there were no significant association between socio-demographic characteristic of respondents and iron tablet compliance. Those pregnant women who visit ANC ≥4 times had 2.80 (CI=1.58-4.93) times more likely high level of compliance than who visit < 4 ANC visit. There were 27.50 (CI=11.92-63.4) times more likely to high compliance in those pregnant women who were satisfied with health worker and health service than who were fair or unsatisfied. Those respondents who not felt side effect of iron tablets had 3.27 (1.84-5.82) times more likely high compliance than who felt side effect of iron tablets. Study found that Gastritis, Nausea, constipation and headache were common side effect of iron tablets felt by pregnant women. Study found that major cause of not having full compliance of iron tablets was afraid to deliver large baby, ignorance and side effect of iron tablets. Those respondents who had no complication during pregnancy has 2.34 (CI=1.3-4.19) times more likely to high compliance than who had a complication during pregnancy. Level of compliance and anaemia had a strong significant association. Those respondents who had low-level compliance of iron tablets had 5.75 (CI=3.12-10.58) times more likely to high compliance in those pregnant women who were satisfied with health worker and health service than who were fair or unsatisfied. Those respondents who not felt side effect of iron tablets had 3.27 (1.84-5.82) times more likely high compliance than who felt side effect of iron tablets. Study found that Gastritis, Nausea, constipation and headache were common side effect of iron tablets felt by pregnant women. Study found that major cause of not having full compliance of iron tablets was afraid to deliver large baby, ignorance and side effect of iron tablets. Those respondents who had no complication during pregnancy has 2.34 (CI=1.3-4.19) times more likely to high compliance than who had a complication during pregnancy. Level of compliance and anaemia had a strong significant association. Those respondents who had lowlevel compliance of iron tablets had 5.75 (CI=3.12-10.58) times more likely to be anaemic than who had a high level of iron tablet compliance. Those respondents who give birth ≥3 children had 9.67(CI=1.14-82.11) times more likely to be anaemic than who were primigravida. Like that pregnant women who did not consume deworming tablets had 3.38(CI=1.79-6.79) times more likely to be anaemic than who consume deworming tablets. In multivariate analysis result shows that side effects of iron tablets (Nausea, Gastritis) and satisfaction with health worker had significant association with iron tablets compliance. Keywords: Compliance, Anaemia, Iron Tablets, Pregnant women
Ganesh Barual has completed his MPH at the age of 29 years from Tribhuwan Unicversity Institute of medicine, Nepal. He is the Project Manager of FAIRMED Foundation Nepal. He has published 3 papers in reputed journals.
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