Infant immunity and optimizing vaccination

Webinar on 36th Global Summit on Pediatrics
February 23-24, 2022 | Webinar

Taylor Bean

BC Centre for Disease Control, Canada

Keynote: Pediatric Infect Dis


Short Description Dr. Bean is passionate about providing accurate information within the conversations surrounding vaccines. She feels strongly about access to accurate, transparent information because anything less compromises our movement towards best practices for infants, adults and elderly population. Abstract: The concern and questions around vaccines is growing substantially around the globe. With this comes a lot of fear and concern about diseases, vaccines, choices, traveling abroad and simply not being fully informed before making a decision around vaccinations. As one of very few ND’s in BC to have obtained the Immunization Certification, I would like to present on some key areas around vaccinations that we as practitioners should know and what we can provide for our patients when they have questions. This should not be a topic of fear or anger but a topic that is honest, forthcoming and transparent. In my office, I help parents uncover the risks and susceptibility for their child in terms of contracting infections, educating them around infant immunity, ingredients in vaccines, what herd immunity is, the diseases we vaccinate against, and how we can mitigate potential adverse reactions with vaccines. Practitioners should know what resources to offer their patients who have questions around vaccines along with knowing where they can go for current and reputable information. From simply knowing how to locate a vaccine insert, utilizing annual surveillance reports from the CDC, understanding how adjuvants work and the risks they play (aluminum) and lastly understanding infant physiology as it pertains to vaccination (immunology).


She is a Canadian board certified Naturopathic Doctor (ND) located in British Columbia, part of my scope of practice includes administration of vaccines. As of 2019, she is one of the few (though many more to come) naturopathic doctors in British Columbia (BC) who has completed the BC Centre for Disease Control (BCCDC) immunization course, and she is certified by the regulatory college to administer vaccines in my office.Her clinic follows the immunization policy that has been set forth by the regulatory office.

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