ISSN : 2471- 805X

Journal of Pediatric Care

Impact of Kangaroo Mother Care on survival of low birth weight Babies <2000gm at SNCU Nalgonda: Jan-2015 to Dec-2019, 5 Years study

July 20, 2021 Webinar

Damera Yadaiah

District Hospital, INDIA

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Pediatr Care


Introduction Low Birth Weight is major contributor to NMR. Prematurity and its complication are the leading causes of death. Gestational age and birth weight are the strong determinants of neonatal survival. KMC is simple, cost effective, evidence based practice of providing continuous skin-to-skin contact, exclusive breastfeeding, early discharge and reduces mortality and sepsis. Aims & Objectives Primary objective of study is to look at implementation of kangaroo mother care and its impact on survival of babies <2000gm. Material & Methods Retrospective study, included all babies <2000gm from January- 2015 to December 2019. 10 bedded KMC ward, 3staff nurses, central oxygen, pulse-oximeters and Resuscitation equipments. All the essential newborn care practices including KMC is part of the best practices at SNCU Nalgonda since 2014. KMC is effectively practiced by trained KMC Nurses. Average duration of KMC per day 8–10 hours. Data variables like admissions, KMC eligible babies coverage, Survival, Mortality and Morbidity collected from electronic data. Results 1513 LBW Neonates admitted during study period, KMC Coverage of eligible babies: 2015 – 54.1% , 2019 - 82.2% Median Birth Weight 1344gm (±183), Mean GA weeks 33.4 (± 1.54). Conclusions SNCU Nalgonda providing all the essential newborn care services including Kangaroo Mother Care. But KMC component is missing in 2017 because of change in hospital premises, resulted in signifi cant increased mortality. Survival of babies <2000gm improved signifi cantly in this 5 years study: Except in the year 2017, No KMC services – Survival 63.9%. Implementing effective KMC with dedicated staff improved survival of <2000gm babies. The study clearly shows effective implementation KMC have good impact on survival of babies <2000gm.


Dr.DAMERA YADAIH, MBBS is Working as a consultant paediatrician at District Hospital, Nalgonda since 25 years. Working in SNCU from 2008 as CIVIL SURGEON, HOD. Instrumental in establish 1st SNCU in INDIA, 1st level-II, unit to get accreditation by National Neonatology Form of India. Working to strengthening the FBNC in India to reduce NMR. Discharged 10000 babies till date, smallest baby discharged 650 gm, 28 wk GA, and 1st of its kind from district hospital. Presented Papers National, International, Conferences.