Hemidiaphragm palsy: a rare manifestation of cervical congenital neuroblastoma in a small infant

8th Edition of International Conference on Clinical and Medical Case Reports
May 28-29, 2018 London, UK

Hui Hui


Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Med Case Rep

DOI: 10.21767/2471-8041-C1-003


Hemidiaphragm palsy associated with solid neck mass is rarely seen in neuroblastoma. We report the case of a one-monthold male infant manifesting left-sided neck mass and sudden onset of respiratory distress. The initial diagnosis was congenital muscular torticollis. However, subsequent chest x-ray showed the elevation of the left hemidiaphragm and magnetic resonance imaging revealed a 5.5×4.6×3.0 cm size solitary mass. The possibility of tumor mass associated hemidiaphragm palsy was then considered. Fine-needle aspiration cytology was performed and a final diagnosis of stage IVS neuroblastoma based upon INSS staging was confirmed by immunocytochemistry. Bone marrow aspirates and biopsies showed 7% metastatic neuroblastoma. The child underwent chemotherapy with intravenous administration of carboplatin and etoposide. Control MRI done at 50 days later revealed significant regression of the mass, and the patient had been on mechanical ventilation support for 52 days.


E-mail: hui19890713hui@163.com


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