Guided prosthetics protocol for immediate loading and it’s correlation to the literature’s standard of deviation

3rd Euroscicon Conference on Dental & Dental Hygiene
March 25-26, 2019 | Budapest, Hungary

Hossam Hamdy

Alexandria Faculty of Dentistry, Egypt

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: Dent Craniofac Res

DOI: 10.21767/2576-392X-C2-018


Utilizing a highly accuracy guided surgery system is becoming the standard in everyday practice, especially in cases where we are following the newer concepts in guided surgery like “Guided Prosthetics”. Guided Prosthetics concept implies the usage of an accurate guided surgery system and prefabricated prosthetics, where the surgical guide acts as a tool to guide the implants in a position that is accurate enough for the prefabricated prosthetics to fit.
This example is to showcase applying this concept in the Aesthetic area with the usage of an accurate guided surgery system with a standard of deviation less than numbers in vivo studies in the literature. In this case Guided One day Implant Prosthetic Protocol was followed which enabled implant placement control (IPC) and Hex/Timing Control to enable the usage Indexed Abutments. In an attempt to place the implants with high accuracy that would allow us to fit the prefabricated Screw-Retained prosthetics.

