Experience with spinal tumors in National center of neurological sciences (NCNS)

4th International Conference on Neurodegenerative Disorders and Stroke
July 05-06, 2017 Frankfurt, Germany

Abubakr Darrag Salim and Mohammed Awad Elzain Ahmed

National Center for Neurological Sciences, Sudan

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Neurosurg

DOI: 10.21767/2471-9633-C1-002


Spinal tumors present 5-10 % from all skeletal neoplasm, Primary intraspinal tumors comprise between 10 and 15% of all CNS tumors , with higher incidence in young children, spinal tumors are associated with aggressive morbidity . Results: Total number 324 were included, age range was 2- 82 years with mean age of 39.2 years, 56.2% were males while 142 43.8% were females, presenting symptoms include backache in 82%, limb pain in 28%, limb weakness in 91.5 %, sensory impairment in 84% and sphincteric disturbances in 43.3% of the patients , MRI was the main investigation used Dorsal tumors were found in 38.5% , cervical in 14.2% and in the lumbar spine in 10.8% of the patients . Histopathology result was present in 64.5% and was missing in 35.5%, Meningioma was the tumor found in 23.5% followed by schwannomas in 10.5% then neurofibroma in 5.2% , ependymoma in 3.4% , astrocytoma in 2.5% haemangioma in 2.2% and dermoid in 1.5% , metastatic tumors were found only in 0.3% of the patients the final outcome was cure or improvement in 64% of the patients , while 13% remained static , 2.8% were deteriorated, 6.5 % died due to pulmonary embolism or respiratory failure, 13.6 % lost the follow up . The complications encountered were urine incontinence in 9% , urine retention in 3.7% , urinary tract infections in 4.9% , constipation in 3.4% and wound infection in 3.4% of the patients Conclusions: Spinal tumors are in most instances curable conditions requiring attention in diagnosis and treatment, They present with features of progressive myelopathy, MRI is needed for diagnosis, Benign tumors like meningiomas and schwannomas constitute the majority, total excision can be achieved in most of the spinal tumor.


Abubakr Darrag Salim has completed his primary medical school at Ain Shams university in Cairo Egypt in1986 then he obtained MD in clinical surgery from Khartoum University in Sudan in1997 Then he obtaned MD in Neurosurgery from Sudan medical specialisation board in Sudan in 2003 he was then offered Honor MD in Neurosurgery from the same board in 2013, he is practising neurosurgery in Khartoum Sudan at Mawada and Alyaa hospital and he is the presendent of the advisory board of neuroscience of fedral minstry of health in Sudan and conver of the Neurosurgical board of Sudan medical specialisation board ,He has published more than 8 papers and has presented more than 50 papers in local regional and international confernces.

Email: drdarrag666@yahoo.com


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