Exercise Training as a Treatment in Chronic Venous Insufficiency

6th Edition of World Congress & Exhibition on VASCULAR SURGERY
April 28-29, 2021 Webinar

Gurdal Karakelle Saliha

Institute of Postgraduate Education, Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa, Turkey

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Vasc Endovasc Surg


Exercise is a type of physical activity consisting of planned, structured, and repetitive bodily movement done to improve and/ or maintain one or more components of physical fitness. Exercise has many known beneficial effects. Based on these effects, it has been started to be applied in chronic venous insufficiency. In healthy venous return, valves and deep veins work together with the muscle pump. Gastrocnemius and Soleus muscles, which are located in the calf region and known as the peripheral heart, are the most important muscles that support venous return. Pathological conditions such as reflux and obstruction in the venous system are usually accompanied by dysfunction of the muscle pump in chronic venous insufficiency. As the disease progresses, structural and metabolic disorders occur in the calf muscles. In addition, loss of strength and endurance were detected in the calf muscles of chronic venous insufficiency patients compared to healthy individuals. When the literature is reviewed, the benefits of exercise on venous hemodynamic status, edema, pain, calf muscle strength&endurance and ankle range of motion in patients with chronic venous insufficiency were seen. When the disease severity of the patients included in the study is examined, it is seen that all levels, from patients with edema to patients with active ulcers were included. Inclusion of chronic venous insufficiency patients in exercise therapy from the beginning of the diagnosis can increase patient satisfaction as well as benefits such as slowing / stopping disease progression and reducing health expenses. It is known that physiotherapists play an active role in the treatment of heart diseases such as heart failure, coronary artery disease, as well as vascular diseases such as peripheral artery disease, lymphedema, and lipoedema. Similarly, chronic venous insufficiency patients should be directed to cardiovascular rehabilitation units. Keywords-chronic venous insufficiency, exercise, benefit


Saliha Gürdal Karakelle is a young physiotherapist who specializes in cardiovascular physiotherapy. She has completed her MSc at the age of 26 years from Istanbul University-Cerrahpasa and has been studying PhD from same university. She has submitted more than 20 papers on Congress in the field of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation, and some of this papers were published reputed journals.


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