ISSN : ISSN: 2572-5548
Ozden Gokcek, Cigdem El
Ege University, Turkey Hatay Mustafa Kemal University, Turkey
ScientificTracks Abstracts: Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis
Childhood iron deficiency is one of the most common nutritional disorders worldwide. One of the effective factors of iron deficiency anemia is inflammation. In iron deficiency anemia, the symptoms of fatigue, respiratory distress, and weakness, which are the same as the symptoms seen in other types of anemia, significantly reduce the quality of life. Since hemoglobin carries oxygen to the tissues, respiratory functions are inevitably affected by anemia. A thirteen-year-old girl presented fatigue in daily life, especially in walking activity. Our cases were recorded demographic information and hemogram values. Pulmonary function test, respiratory muscle strength measurement with a mouth pressure measuring device, and a 6-minute walking test were performed to evaluate functional capacity. PedsQl questionnaire was used to measure the quality of life and the leisure activity questionnaire was used to evaluate physical activity. According to the evaluations in our case, the pulmonary function test was low and the respiratory muscle strength value was found to be much lower than expected. In the 6-minute walking test, it was observed that she walked 570.6 m, and was lower than the expected value. In terms of quality of life, it was observed that especially physical, school success, and emotional impact were high. As a result of the children's leisure time activity survey which we used to evaluate the activity level, it was determined that she had a moderate MET/hour value of , 28,5, moderate-intensive value 44,5, intensive value 16. It is known that exercise provides an increase in hemoglobin level, has an anti-inflammatory effect, and increases functional capacity and quality of life. With this case report, it is thought that children diagnosed with iron deficiency anemia should be evaluated in terms of physiotherapy along with medical treatment and included in the treatment program in physiotherapy treatment.
As a physiotherapist, Ozden Gokcek has a passion for improving children's health and well-being. It aims to explain the health improvement mechanism of physiotherapy applications and investigates its role in the treatment process. He has experienced the positive effects of physiotherapy applications on patients both in the clinic for many years. She has been serving in this field for 9 years in educational institutions. She is of the opinion that a multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary approach to health should be integrated.