E-BABE-Encyclopedia of Bioanalytical Methods for Bioavailability and Bioequivalence Studies of Pharmaceuticals

2nd Experts Meeting on Plant, Cellular and Molecular Biology
August 23-24,2021 | Webinar

Fayiah M Bouquet

UniLasalle Universit, Beauvais, France

ScientificTracks Abstracts: ipcedb


Oil palm is a tropical oil crop, growing only within 10 degrees North and South of the equator mainly in areas of tropical rainforest rich in biodiversity on the continents of Africa, Asia, and South America. The production of palm oil has increased since the 1980s with estimates that production will increase by 50% by 2025 (Kisaran, 2016; World Annual, 2018; MPOB, 2018). As such, the characterization of the available germplasm of oil palm (Elaeis Guineensis) is a valuable genetic resource for the production of interspecifi c hybrid of E.Oleifera x E. Guineensis Jacq to address the problem of yield and disease affecting the oil palm yield. The phenotypic diversity is important for understanding the dynamics of the genetic resources and for the improvement and sustaining oil palm productivity. The objective of this study is to identify germplasm of interest to be introduced in the breeding scheme of SOCFIN within a heterogeneous population (containing both dura and tenera) through phenotypic evaluation of three cultivating oil palm blocks of the Okomu oil palm Company (SOCFIN’s owed company). Phenotypic data was collect and assessed from a 25 ha (planting density of 143 palms to 1ha) sample area containing 3575 oil palms (dead and alive) using qualitative and quantitative morphological characters (plant height, male infl orescence, black bunches, and varietal determination). The assessed materials comprised of 3,395 live palms with high yield performance and 180 dead palms. The study revealed through statistical analysis of ANOVA and XLSTAT 30 high yielding palms as comprising of both dura and tenera as the germplasm of interest based on all the characters assessed in the study.


Fayiah M Bouquet has completed his Master’s at the age of 30 years from UniLasalle University and currently looking out for a PhD opportunity. He holds a senior level position in SOCFIN (Expat), a group responsible for tropical agriculture and inductrial services in Africa, Asia and Europe.