Infectious Diseases and STD-AIDS
April 26-27, 2018 Rome, Italy

Kabukoma Christine

Country Representative European African Treatment Advocates Network [EATAN], Italy

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Transm Dis Immun

DOI: 10.21767/2573-0320-C1-002


European African Advocates Network is a new Europe-wide initiative that aims to enhance the quality of life of black and minority [BME] and specifically African patients living with HIV, viral hepatitis and other chronic conditions. EATAN aims to address lack of voice and participation of African patients on key screening, treatment and care decisions. EATAN works with key stakeholders to influence policy; best practice and empower patients with information; skills and resources to self manage and make informed choices about their care. Legal Status: A Community Interest Company registered on 16th August 2015. Mission statement: European African Treatment Advocates Network [EATAN] works to reduce inequality in healthcare access experienced by black and minority ethnic [BME] and specifically African patients living with HIV viral hepatitis and other chronic conditions in Europe and to enhance their voices and actively participate in key diagnosis treatment and care decisions and plans. Goals & objectives: Enhancing BME/African patient voices, experiences, participation and impact on health policies, treatment and care at local, national and EU level. Developing a core team expert patients and treatment advocate representative of the diverse needs, interests, concerns and identities of BME/African patients across the EU. Promoting high levels of treatment adherence among patients through provision of quality and appropriate treatment information, literacy and support. Addressing current imbalances in participation of BME/African patients on clinical trials, scientific and other types of research that results in knowledge gaps and lack of evidence. Campaigning against negative attitudes, stigma, faith and cultural norms that isolate vulnerable patients and prevent effective access to diagnosis, treatment and care. Building partnerships and alliances with key stakeholders for shared learning and best practice. Intended Outcomes: An empowered, informed and vibrant group of BME/African HIV patients taking more responsibility for their health and making informed decisions on treatment and care. Keywords: EATAN Empowering Migrants & Improving Health options Ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic is our life contract One life saves a million lives


EATAN was conceived by a group of HIV and HepC patients EATAN and treatment advocates at Professor Ian VD Weller Glasgow Global Treatment Congress in 2012 following extensive consultations with other patients, clinical consultants, policy and healthcare professionals majority of who were concerned about poor health outcomes, lack of participation, voice presentation patients of African background in various high prevalence EU countries on key processes, platforms and bodies that determine policies and practices on HIV, Hepatitis and other blood borne diseases.