Direct and indirect costs of accidents in the construction sector projects

4th Edition of International Conference on Occupational Health and Safety
May 28-29, 2018 London, UK

Miguel De Luque Villa and Ronald Obando Martin

Corporaci�?³n universitaria Minuto de Dios, Colombia

Posters & Accepted Abstracts: J Nurs Health Stud

DOI: 10.21767/2574-2825-C2-006


The companies involved in construction have not completely indicated the data to calculate the real costs associated with accidents at work. Typically, these companies do not believe or do not bother to track or calculate associated costs to accidents. Objetive: To determine the relationship between direct and indirect costs of occupational accidents in construction sector projects.
Results: In Project 1 the direct costs exceeded almost half of indirect costs, whereas project 2 the direct costs are a little more than half of indirect costs. We obtained a ratio 1:0,41 to 1:1,71 for project 1 and project 2. Conclusion: Any company not considering important indirect costs, because they are not covered by the Administrator of Professional Risks (ARL) may involve unnecessary expense.