Dental implantation with endoscopic visualization in patients with multiple sclerosis and scleroderma

26th International Conference on Advanced Dental Care
October 08-09, 2018 Moscow, Russia

Orlov Andrey Alekseevich

Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology RAMS (PHANO), Russia

ScientificTracks Abstracts: Dent Craniofac Res

DOI: 10.21767/2576-392X-C4-011


Currently, about 3 million people in the world are suffering from multiple sclerosis as well as scleroderma. These two diseases are very difficult to diagnose. Often their symptoms coincide with the symptoms of autoimmune diseases such as Sjogren’s disease, lupus erythematosus and many others. In practice, dentists do not often have patients with these diagnoses. Therefore, it is very important to know about the symptoms of the disease and the possibility of rehabilitation of such patients. Loss of speech, difficulty swallowing and chewing food, dry mouth, ulceration of the mucosa, its atrophy lead to the development of caries, periodontitis, and also adentia. A very important stage in the rehabilitation of patients is the elimination of defects in the dentition, which makes it possible to increase the selfesteem of these patients and to rehabilitate them in the society. With scleroderma, as well as with the spastic form of multiple sclerosis, patients suffer from tooth decay and its complications. At best, such patients can open their mouths to a maximum of 2 cm. Therefore, curing caries or its complications (periodontitis or pulpitis) is practically technically impossible due to poor visualization. It is very difficult to introduce instruments into the oral cavity. Quite often, we experienced difficulty in introducing the intraoral chamber into the oral cavity. Therefore, on plastic phantoms we have developed the technique of endoscopic treatment of caries and its complications. Also technically on models with mucosal imitation we worked out the technique of transcutaneous dental implant placement, especially in the field of painters and pre-molars, which is the beginning of the first operation to be presented at this symposium. We believe that endoscopic technique will not only help in the treatment of such diseases, but also help to expand visualization in hard-toreach places in the practice of a dentist, as well as for qualitative endodontic treatment.


Orlov Andrey Alekseevich graduated from the Moscow Medical Stomatological Institute. N. A. Semashko (MMSI) in the year 1992. Orlov Andrey was a doctor of Medical Sciences, TsNIIS and CHF in the Department of Maxillofacial Surgery in 2005. He also served as a professor in Academic Dentistry and Chief Physician. He was Oral and maxillofacial surgeon, plastic surgeon, Implantologist in 2008 Professor. At present he is working as a Professor in the Institute of General Pathology and Pathophysiology RAMS (PHANO) Russia.


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