Condition of permanent teeth after chemotherapy during the primary dentition period in oncology patients

27th International Conference on Dentistry and Dental Practice
January 28-29, 2019 Barcelona, Spain

Ahmaad Foaz Ahmaad Alshbore

University of Georgia, Georgia

ScientificTracks Abstracts: J Den Craniofac Res

DOI: 10.21767/2576-392X-C1-014


Cancer treatment for children is of combinative therapies including chemotherapy, radiation therapy and surgical therapy. Chemotherapy debuted in the 1960s and has amended the outcome of multimodal approaches of oncological treatment over the decade. Pediatric cancer survivors can express chronic and late effects from therapies. Studies have shown modularity given aggressively resulted in 50% of the childhood cancer survivors developed a severe chronic disease by 50 years of age. Developmental defects can affect approximately one-third pediatric cancer survivor and the impairments vary in severity. Treatments of cancer may even delay the normal development and maturation of teeth and therefore also impact the children’s psychological health. This is a general problem for childhood cancer survivors; therefore, dental practitioners should understand and work with prophylactic measures. The aim of the study is to systematically analyze and review already existing information about the dental effects of chemotherapy on pediatric patients including a review of the interaction of chemotherapy dental effects in pediatric cancer survivors. Children who receive chemotherapy before the age of five can present extensive damage in their dentition. This damage underlines the fact that the developing dentition is more vulnerable to damage from chemotherapy. Enamel hypoplasia and discoloration are the most common defects.


Ahmaad Foaz Ahmaad Alshbore is a final year dental student in the Faculty of Dentistry at University of Georgia, Tbilisi, Georgia. He was honored with the award of “Most Motivated” student at University of Georgia in 2016.


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