ISSN : ISSN: 2572-5548
Ahmed Farag Abdelsamie Sadek Salama
Ain Shams University , Egypt
ScientificTracks Abstracts: Chron Obstruct Pulmon Dis
Weaning from invasive mechanical ventilation )MV( may be defined as the process of abrupt or gradual withdrawal of ventilator support, thereby shifting the work of breathing from machine to man. More than 40% of the time that a patient spends on MV is constituted by the weaning period, and around 20% of mechanically ventilated patients will fail their first attempt at weaning.The reason for increased use of Noninvasive positive-pressure ventilation (NIPPV) is to avoid adverse effects of invasive ventilation in patients with COPD. Although invasive MV is trustable effective in supporting alveolar ventilation, prolonged MV is itself associated with complications like nosocomial pneumonia, cardiac morbidity, gastrointestinal bleeding, etc . Thus, choosing the optimum time and right weaning method forms a crucial part of the management of such critically-ill patients and certainly affects their outcome.This study was underwent on these patients who need invasive mechanical ventilation for more than 24 hours, a lot of challenges we face in daily practice in ICU like difficult weaning, reintubation and Ventilation-acquired pneumonia. In this study we do our best to overcome these challenges by studying the effect of using of NIPPV both CPAP or BIPAP immediately after extubation or using T piece for 1 hour followed by extubation and using oxygen therapy and concluded that BIPAP improves patient gas exchange, hemodynamics and associated with shortest ICU stay which reflects on utilization of resources.
I Graduated from faculty of medicine , Mansoura University at the age of 23 years ,worked for 6 months in matrouh chest hospital then start my residency in critical care medicine in 2016 and finished master degree in critical care in ain shams university 2020.I worked for many hospitals accredited like Wadi elneel , Dar elfouad and Asslam international hospital . I am interested in MV specially NIPPV and its application in COVID 19 pandemic and post cardiac surgery .